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Aspen Elementary Code of Conduct

Aspen Elementary Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

5 Procedures for Staff 

  1. Welcome students and walk them into the classroom each morning, and walk them out as they leave each afternoon. 
  2. Model and monitor positive behavior in the classroom, hallways, lunchroom, assemblies, and playground. 
  3. Be prepared to teach every day using a variety of strategies to reach all learners. 
  4. Teach using the “Growth Mindset” model with the belief that every student can learn. 
  5. Help every student make at least a year’s growth academically. 

5 Procedures for Students 

  1. Treat everyone with respect. 
  2. Entering and exiting the classroom/building – Walk single file, low voices, use proper doors. 
  3. Walking in the hall – voices off, hands and feet to yourself 
  4. Assembly behavior – pockets on the floor, voices off, eyes, on teacher or speaker, hands and feet to yourself. 
  5. Before and after school - follow Safety Patrol and Crossing Guard directions. Bus students line up single-file at the designated spot. 

All students of Aspen Elementary can expect: 

  • To be welcomed by teachers each morning. 
  • To work in a productive classroom with a structured daily schedule.
  •  To have equal access to an appropriate and motivating curriculum.
  • To have high rates of praise from teachers. 
  • To be respected and to respect others. 
  • To use a clean restroom in a proper way. 
  • To attend a neat, clean, safe school that is free of vandalism. 
  • To play on a safe playground free from danger, teasing and rough play.
  • To walk to and from school without being bothered by others. 
  • To have a School-Wide Positive Action Program for good behavior 
  1. All staff will recognize students with good behavior 
  2. Honor Roll & Citizenship Award 
  3. Individual classroom awards and student recognition 

Assembly Conduct 

  • Enter and exit quietly. 
  • Voices off once students enter the multipurpose room. 
  • Show appreciation by applauding appropriately and paying attention to the speaker or program. 
  • Students sit flat on the floor. 
  • Unacceptable behavior may be cause for dismissal from the assembly.

Attendance Policy 

  • Regular attendance is crucial to  success at school. Frequent absences or tardies disrupt the educational process. Absences should be for sickness or emergencies. Please call the office at 801-567-8960 before 10:00 a.m. to report an absence. 
  • For safety reasons, students should not arrive before 8:40 a.m. unless they come to breakfast at 8:30. Teachers are planning for the day and are not available to supervise students. The first bell rings at 8:55 a.m. School begins at 9:00 a.m. Outside supervision begins at 8:40 a.m. 

Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerblades, Scooters, Wheelie Shoes 

  • Students may ride bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, and scooters to school and then walk them when they enter and leave school property. 
  • Wheelie shoes are not allowed at school. 

Building Conduct 

  • Walk in the halls. 
  • Enter and leave through your own grade-level doors. 
  • Grade doors are secured during the day for safety and security. The main door is open before, during and after school. 
  • Toys, electronic games, and candy should be left home. Gum is not permitted at school. 
  • Students are expected to follow all classroom rules. 

Cell Phones 

  • Cellular telephone use during classroom time, instructional activities, and field trips is prohibited unless directed by a teacher. Cellular telephones must remain off during these times. Possession of a cellular telephone by a student is a privilege that may be forfeited by any student that uses their cell phone inappropriately. A student who possesses a cellular phone shall assume responsibility for its care. At no time shall the District be responsible for preventing theft, loss or damage to cell phones brought onto school property. 

Checking In and Checking Out 

  • Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds during school hours except with a parent or parent designee. All students must be checked in or out through the office. We have a video entry system for greater security. 
  • Students arriving at school after 9:00 a.m. must check in at the front office and receive a tardy slip before going to class. Late arrivals due to illness, medical or dental appointments are noted in Skyward. 
  • All students must be checked out in the office. Please arrange for check-outs in advance by contacting the teacher and/or office. Students will be checked out only to adults listed on their Skyward account. In an effort to limit classroom and instructional interruptions, please make after-school arrangements and plans prior to sending your child to school. 

Dangerous or Disruptive Conduct 

  • District Policy states: Jordan School District students and employees are entitled to a learning/working environment, which is free from unlawful and violent actions. Students whose actions pose a threat to the health and/or safety of a student or staff member shall be suspended and/or suspended to a District Hearing (Board Policy AS67).
  • The following conduct is defined as "dangerous or disruptive conduct" and is prohibited on school property, at school-sponsored activities and while traveling in school-funded or school-dispatched transportation. 

Possessing (regardless of intent), using, selling or attempting to possess any firearm, weapon, knife, explosive device, fireworks, chemical weapon, martial arts weapon, or other instrument including those which eject a projectile or  substance of any kind, or any replica or facsimile of any of the above, whether functional or nonfunctional, whether designed for use as a weapon or for some other use. This includes toy knives, toy guns, and squirt guns. 

  • Jordan School District is committed to providing a safe and civil school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect. The Board, therefore, delegates to the District Administration responsibility for establishing policy regarding bullying and cyberbullying. See JSD Policy AS98 - Bullying and Cyberbullying 

Students violating these guidelines will be disciplined in accordance with District policy AS67—Discipline of Students. See AS67 for full description of policy. 

Discipline Procedures 

A problem solving approach will be used with discipline problems. The following steps will be used with most situations. 

  • Individual warnings - parents will be contacted after three warnings.
  • Opportunities to reflect and think about changing behavior.
  • Natural consequences such as helping clean, missing a few minutes of recess, and losing privileges.
  • Structured recess time
  • THINK Time in another classroom
  • Conference with teacher, parents, administration
  • In-School Suspension
  • Out-of-School Suspension

With serious offenses, parents will be contacted on the first and second offense so as to keep communications open and to reach a quick resolution. Every effort will be made to deal with problems fairly and in a manner that demonstrates respect for students. Principal intervention might include one or more of the following and will depend upon the seriousness of the offense, number of repeated offenses, and other mitigating circumstances: 

  • Principal/student conference 
  • Temporary denial of privileges 
  • Structured recess 
  • In-school/out-of-school suspension 
  • Principal/teacher/student/parent conference 
  • Restoration/restitution of damaged property

Dress Code – (See complete Jordan School District Policy AA419) School Dress and Appearance
Appropriate dress and appearance avoids extremes, exemplifies personal cleanliness, promotes an effective learning environment free of unnecessary disruption(s) and increases school safety, security and sanitation factors. There are a variety of clothing styles which may be popular but are inappropriate for the school or school sponsored activity setting.
Dress and appearance standards include (but are not limited to) the following:

  1. General Standards
    1. Any clothing, jewelry, accessory, footwear, personal item or appearance practice may be prohibited when it:
      1. Draws undue attention, distracts, disrupts, and/or interferes with the learning environment at school or school sponsored activity.
      2. Endangers or affects the health, safety and/or welfare of the individual or others.
      3. May cause damage or harm to individuals, school devices, resources, equipment or facilities.
      4. Limits the ability to identify the student.
      5. Appears as an attempt to challenge the intent and scope of policy or the authority of the school.
    2. Dress and appearance, including clothing, jewelry, accessory, footwear, personal item or appearance practice, shall be in a manner suitable to the day’s activities consistent with the standards of health, safety, and appropriate behavior. School personnel may require students to wear certain types of clothing for health, safety, security, or sanitation factors or in connection with classes, activities or circumstances.
    3. Clothing, appearance, jewelry, accessory, footwear, and/or personal items shall be free of writing, images, symbols or any other insignias that:
      1. Are lewd, obscene, vulgar, or profane.
      2. Advocate, represent or promote racism, discrimination, violence or hate in any form.
      3. Signify gang affiliation.
      4. Advocate, represent or promote tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or any illegal substance(s).
      5. Advocate, represent or promote criminal or illegal activities.
      6. Infringe on the rights of others.
      7. Are pornographic or sexually suggestive.
  2. Specific dress and appearance standards are found at Student Support Services online at
  3. School administration may authorize exceptions for health/medical issues, religious beliefs, or safety reasons.
  4. School dress and appearance enforcement should be reasonable and seek to minimize the loss of instructional time.

Educational Leave Guidelines (Vacation time) 

  1. A student may be counted present up to ten days maximum for Travel/Vacation in any one year. 
  2. Parent/Guardian must make homework arrangements with the teacher at least one week prior to the absence. 
  3. The student will receive a comparable number of days to complete homework in order for an absence to be considered excused. Example: If a student is absent for five days, homework will be due five days after the end of the vacation. 
  4. Parent must use the Student Request for Educational Leave form for three or more days. This form is available in the office. 

Inclement Weather 

When the temperature is below 21 degrees or if precipitation is coming down that will soak students, we will call an ‘Inside Day’. Please encourage your child to dress appropriately for the weather and to come prepared for recess out in the cold. When kids have the right gear, they can have fun along with a much needed break outside. We follow the state guidelines for air quality and monitor it on a daily basis to plan for recess. 


Students are not permitted to carry any medication except for an inhaler or EpiPen when proper paperwork is completed in the office. Prescription and over-the-counter medicines in the original container are to be kept in the front office along with a medication form that has been filled out and signed by the parent and physician. The required medication forms are available in the front office or on our website. These forms must be submitted each year. 

Personal Items at School 

Jordan School District is not responsible for any personal property that is lost, stolen, or vandalized. There are no provisions that allow payment for any personal item, which is taken from a student enrolled in Jordan School District.

Lunchroom Conduct 

  • Show respect for lunch workers at all times. 
  • Use soft speaking voices in the cafeteria. 
  • Clean up after yourself. Pick up any food you drop. Never throw food or touch another student’s lunch. 
  • Sit where you are assigned. Students are required to sit at the lunch table for 15 minutes. This will encourage students to eat their lunch before going to recess.
  • All food and lunch items must stay in the cafeteria, they don’t go out to recess.
  • Students eat their own lunch. 
  • Students will always walk respectfully in the cafeteria. 
  • For student safety, all classroom doors are locked during lunch. Students must take everything they need for recess to the lunchroom, including coats and playground equipment. 

Playground Conduct 

  • Use equipment in the way it was intended. 
  • Solve conflicts without fighting. If you have a problem, talk with a teacher or playground supervisor. 
  • All students will be allowed to participate in organized games (soccer, basketball, etc.). Please include anyone who wants to participate. 
  • Flag football, soccer, softball, kickball and other non-contact sports are encouraged. 
  • Snowball throwing, sliding on the snow, whitewashing and rock throwing are prohibited in all areas on the playground. 
  • If playground equipment leaves the campus, have an aide retrieve it.
  • Students will treat all supervising adults with respect and follow their directions at all times. 

Restroom Conduct 

  • Each student is expected to show good judgment and proper behavior in the restrooms. We want to take good care of our beautiful school. 

Safety Before and After School 

  • Enter and exit at grade-level doors. 
  • Use sidewalks and crosswalks, no shortcuts. 
  • Stop, look, and listen before crossing or entering parking lots. 
  • Follow parking lot procedures as a pedestrian and passenger. 
  • Leave the school grounds after school. 
  • Follow the Safety Patrol and Crossing Guards’ instructions.
  • Bus Procedure – line up behind the fence in an orderly fashion.