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Our school choir, Aspen Elementary Ensemble, is directed by Mrs. Matthews, Mrs Forsyth, and Mr. Cook.  It is open to ALL  students in grades 3 – 6. Choir rehearsals are held twice a week before school, with performances in December and April.  As part of participating in choir, students will have opportunities for public speaking roles, playing instruments, as well as singing songs from different genres. Choir builds friendship, and a sense of community.

Choir Expectations::  

  • Students should demonstrate safe, responsible, and respectful behavior towards the directors and choir members.
  • Students attend each practice.  We understand that emergencies and scheduling conflicts may arise, but regular attendance is expected.
  • Expected behavior is similar to that found in the classroom.  If a student becomes unnecessarily disruptive, they will be asked to stop the behavior.  If the disruption continues, they will be asked to leave that rehearsal.  If it is a recurring problem, they will be asked to leave the choir.